The Compromising Church, Pt. 2

Pergamos: Steadfastly follow all of God's precepts and do not falter

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We're continuing this week where we left off with the church of Pergamos from Revelation 2:12-15.  As week saw before, when Jesus looked at the fellowship at Pergamos He saw some of the members compromising His word and the rest of them tolerating it.

Not everyone at Pergamos was compromising His words and ways, of course.  Like in every church, there were members who refused to lower their standards to accommodate their own desires. But there were those who relaxed Jesus's commandments because of their own motives. People at Pergamos also ate foods sacrificed to idols, harming their witness for Christ. It was, and continues to be, a serious mistake to compromise the Word of God. Don't ever compromise on such an important matter; over time, a 'little bit' of compromise becomes a 'big bit'!

Besides watering down your witness by appearing hypocritical to others, comprosing God's Word damages your dedication to God and your desire to represent Him to your community.  It can even harm your faith. Living on the border of the saved stops you from being a soul-winner. It may seem at times like everyone is doing it, but it's the unsaved who are doing it. Do decide today: Are you for or against Jesus? So you want a life of hardship or one of joy? Will you fight His commandments or follow Him with a trusting heart?

Other sermons in this series: