Five Principles for Christian Stewardship, Part Two

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2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Last time we learned the principles for Christian stewardship, we examined the first three principles:

  1. Everything belongs to God

  2. We are stewards of what belongs to God.

  3. God has a genious and gracious plan of finance for ministry in His kingdom called tithing.

Now we’ll see the final two principles:.

4. The biblical attitude for giving is worship and the biblical expectation for giving is obedience.
It’s important to have a conviction for giving, not just acting out of habit. Do you have the right attitude toward giving?

  • Some people think they might be “buying favor” with God

  • Some people give to impress others

  • Some people give to “pay the bills” at the church

Until you establish the right motives for giving, you’ll struggle with it and eventually the wrong motive will no longer motive you at all. Instead, establish biblical motives for giving.

Giving as an act of worship- As born-again Christians everything we do is an act of worship to God. When you rightly view your own life as worship, money is only an instrument of that worship. As believers we use the money that has become god of this world to instead spotlight the greater God of our lives.

Giving as obedience- Just as you expect obedience from your children when you tell them how to behave, God also expects our obedience to follow his teachings, including tithing. Don’t let these excuses keep you from doing what God expects you to do!

“I give when I feel led to give.”
”I give when I can afford it.”
”I give when I come to church.”
”"I don’t like the way things are being done in the church.”

5. You will reap in exact proportion to what you sow (Law of reciprocal return)
When we are truly in Christ, our mind is transformed from selfishness to generosity of spirit. Just as God has blessed you, you bless others in return. Forgive others as God has forgiven you. Comfort others with the same comfort which God has comforted you. When someone has been given much, much will be required from them in return. Consider how much God has given you and give back.

Take God at his word to see if He will keep His promises. God’s promises are either true or lies—you reveal what you believe about them not by your words, but by your actions.

Other sermons in this series: