The Church God Builds: Discipleship

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Matthew 28:16-20

The Church that God Builds is a six-part series as part of of Aspen Park’s transition plan. The Transition Team is structured as a group of six smaller teams, each focused on a particular topic. Each team is working to compile goals and action plans for the church in one area. This week, the sermon has a focus on Discipleship and was shared with us by Guest Pastor Paul Taylor.

Becoming a disciple of Jesus has always been a goal for Christians because of Jesus’s command the Great Commission. Becoming a disciple of Jesus is possible for every person. Jesus didn’t require his followers to be wealthy or beautiful, charismatic or hard-working—there were no requirements that can’t be met by anybody. Despite this, there are many believers who attend church but are not disciples. Jesus’s message has been diluted, and in doing so also diluted the principle of following Jesus.

Are you following Jesus? Are you, right now, where Jesus has lead you? Simply put, a disciple is someone who follows Jesus, who has learned life is to be found in Jesus and follows wherever He leads. But the idea of discipleship is more complex than that. A disciple is also a person changed by Jesus. When you give up your own agenda, releasing control to Him in order to become more like Him, you become a disciple. Ask yourself, are you more like Jesus than you were a year ago? A disciple also is committed to the mission of Jesus. Many people can be followers of Jesus without taking His priorities as their own or without devotion to accomplishing His will. Consider it thoughtfully: are you a disciple?

Discipleship is a life-long process, not a one-time event. Even the most faithful can get busy serving Christ and forget His mission. Discipleship is personal and relational, and often involves just spending time together. It can be considered a renovation of the heart, not outward action. Because of this necessary introspection, it must be intentional or discipleship will not grow in the church. To build the church as a collection of disciple-making individuals, it is imperative to keep the gospel at the forefront of importance