Breaking the Lies That Bind: Part 6

I Should Be Able To Change Overnight!

Presto-Chango? Don't be fooled by this lie.

Join us as we explore Ephesians 4 and learn to understand that we only change into what God wants us to be, and it doesn't happen overnight. Without giving your life over to the power of Christ no change can happen.

  • Jesus gives us the power to cancel our past.
  • We have to rely on God's power to conquer our problems

Other sermons in this series.

Note: Due to technical difficulties the podcast was unable to be published for two weeks. This series began with part 3 of a series of 7. We do regret that parts 1 and 2 will unfortunately not be available. We have resolved the problem and will work to make sure all podcasts get published.

Thank you for your understanding.

- APBC Podcast Team