Good News for Today's Church, Pt. 2

Despite how it may seem, there is good news for the future of our church and churches everywhere.

Last week we heard how Jesus's role as the church's foundation can give us hope.  This week, Brother David continues in Matthew 16 looking at the church.  We often think of the church as a place. We say, "I'm going to church." But the Bible never describes church as a place; instead, it is always a people.  The church is not truly a building, but a body: the body of Christ! Jesus's church is people.

That's why there's a good outlook for the future of the church. Jesus wants to build his church through people, where every follower is a brick that makes the whole structure stronger.  Although times may seem hard for churches in our country and around the world, the Great Commission is our tool to reach others and strengthen the church. By spreading the Word,  the church is able to go on the offensive, fighting for a cause we will ultimately win.

Other sermons in this series: